Previous Tours

(With apologies to John Muir…)
While I enjoy local solo and club rides, it’s the long rides that speak to me.
Riding out where there are few people, and (hopefully) fewer cars is what I most love about cycling. I have been truly blessed by having the opportunity to be retired at an early age, when I still have the health to go explore. My first long ride was in the year 2000. I rode down the pacific coast from Portland, Oregon to San Francisco, California. I had always had the dream of riding across the country – or at least after reading about “Bikecentennial” back in 1976. But life and family meant that such a dream had to wait. My Portland to SF ride had to meet that dream for the time.
But the dream wouldn’t end. I had to do more. So when I retired in 2014 the fun began. Since I was no longer married, and my children were grown, long rides were a possibility. So off I went.
If you wonder why I do this, read “Why I Tour” to see why I like to go on long bike tours.
With the exception of the journal for my first tour ("Portland to SF"), which is located on this site, all of the links below redirect to Crazy Guy on a Bike
Journey Title | Miles | Status |
Peaks, Parks, Prairies, and Rivers |   4035 | Completed Sep 2020 |
Canada to Mexico in 2019 |   2104 | Completed Aug 2019 |
Middling Coast to Coast |   1819 | Completed Aug 2018 |
46 Degrees |   4449 | Completed Aug 2017 |
Unfinished Business |     285 | Completed Aug 2016 |
Trans Am Reboot |   4108 | Completed Jul 2016 |
Pacific Coast 2015 |     499 | Completed Sep 2015 |
The Lemonade Tour – Part II |     110 | Completed Aug 2015 |
From Father’s to Son’s |     520 | Completed Oct 2014 |
The Lemonade Tour – Part I |   1965 | Completed Jul 2014 |
Portland to SF |     930 | Completed Sep 2000 |
Total Touring miles | 20824 | With more to come… |