Current Weather in Phoenix AZ USA:

Weather Conditions for 2024-11-08  At  07:51:00
Temp:         50.0°
Dew Pt:      21.0°
Humidity:   32%
Bar. Pres:   30.16 in. Hg
Wind Spd:   4.6 MPH
Wind Dir:   150°
Wind Gust:  -

No Precipitation so far today

Weather statistics from the recent past

Max   Min   Avg
Dew Point
Max   Min   Avg
Max   Min   Avg
Barometric Pres
Max   Min   Avg
Wind Speed
Max   Avg   Gust
Today 53.1 48.9 50.5 23.0 21.0 21.3 36 28 32 30.16 30.14 30.15 0.00 0.00 8 6.0 0
Yesterday 64.9 48.0 57.9 19.9 10.0 15.4 32 11 20 30.14 30.02 30.08 0.00 0.00 10 5.0 0
Last 7 days 81.0 48.0 63.0 53.1 -4.0 24.9 75 5 28 30.14 29.63 29.89 0.00 0.00 20 5.9 33
This Month 81.0 48.0 63.0 53.1 -4.0 24.9 75 5 28 30.14 29.63 29.89 0.00 0.00 20 5.9 33
Last Month 113.0 55.0 84.1 52.0 12.0 30.4 48 3 17 30.17 29.64 29.90 0.00 0.00 26 5.6 39
This Year 117.0 36.0 82.8 75.0 -4.0 39.9 92 3 27 30.28 0.00 29.85 1.92 0.80 34 6.9 45
Last Year 119.0 36.0 78.0 70.0 -9.9 37.7 92 2 29 30.36 29.45 29.89 4.00 3.13 44 6.8 66

Non Precipitation based Weather conditions are extracted from the National Weather Service's website (
Precipition (rain) information is from the Maricopa County Flood Control District's website (
NWS data here is for KPHX (Sky Harbor Airport) while rain info is for the "Carriage Lane Park" Automatic Reporting Station

Weather extreems for 2020

Temperature: >= 100 ° >= 105 ° >= 110 ° >= 115 °
Number days at or above 140 89 40 5
First date at temp 04/26/20 05/06/20 05/29/20 07/11/20
Last date at temp 10/16/20 10/03/20 09/06/20 08/14/20
Days in a row at temp 38 26 9 2
Percent of year to date 48% 30% 14% 2%
Percent of full year 38% 24% 11% 1%
Days, First to Last 174 151 101 35
Equivelent # of Months 5.70 4.95 3.31 1.15