Current Weather in Loveland/Fort Collins Colorado USA:

Weather Conditions for 2024-10-13  At  03:56:00
Temp:         48.9°
Dew Pt:      34.0°
Humidity:   56%
Bar. Pres:   30.28 in. Hg
Wind Spd:   5.8 MPH
Wind Dir:   10°
Wind Gust:  -

Weather statistics from the recent past

Max   Min   Avg
Dew Point
Max   Min   Avg
Max   Min   Avg
Barometric Pres
Max   Min   Avg
Wind Speed
Max   Avg   Gust
Today 53.1 48.9 51.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 56 48 52 30.28 30.28 30.28 0.00 0.00 6 3.5 0
Yesterday 81.0 46.9 61.3 42.1 26.1 32.9 74 14 41 30.29 30.18 30.23 0.00 0.00 12 4.7 0
Last 7 days 84.9 44.1 62.0 43.0 24.1 31.9 74 12 37 30.37 30.06 30.20 0.00 0.00 20 4.5 25
This Month 90.0 39.0 61.0 43.0 21.0 32.0 86 8 38 30.49 29.93 30.20 0.00 0.00 23 4.9 28
Last Month 93.9 41.0 67.7 57.9 17.1 40.8 100 9 43 30.52 29.66 30.11 1.02 0.00 26 6.3 36
This Year 99.0 28.0 67.1 66.0 5.0 42.3 100 8 47 30.52 24.79 29.63 11.52 29.10 32 7.2 49
Last Year 0.0 999.0 0.0 0.0 999.0 0.0 0 999 0 0.00 999.00 0.00 22.08 48.70 0 0.0 0

Weather conditions are extracted from the National Weather Service's website ( for KFNL (Northern Colorado Regional Airport).

Precipitation based Weather conditions are extracted from the COmmunity COllaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network
(   website, specifically for station LR40 in Larimer County.

Unlike the Phoenix rain data, that is reported continuously, Loveland data is reported only once per day in the morning,
so it is mostly for the previous day, and there is no rain rate information. But, Colorado gets snow so I also report snow fall.

30 Year Averages

Temperature: Min ≤ 0 ° Min ≤ 32 ° Max < 40 ° Max > 90 ° Max > 100 °
Number days 3 160 44 66 3
First date at temp 12/1 9/30 10/16 05/30 06/30
Last date at temp 02/10 05/11 04/30 10/10 08/15
Days in a row at temp 2 105 11 13 1
Percent of full year 0.82% 43.84% 12.05% 18.08% 0.82%
Days, First to Last 71 223 196 133 46
Equivelent # of Months 0.10 5.26 1.45 2.17 0.10

Weather extreems for 2023

Temperature: Min ≤ 0 ° Min ≤ 32 ° Max < 40 ° Max > 90 ° Max > 100 °
Number days 6 148 56 33 0
First date at temp 01/29/23 10/14/22 10/28/22 06/19/22 N/A
Last date at temp 02/24/22 04/23/21 04/22/21 09/24/21 N/A
Days in a row at temp 3 31 15 6 N/A
Percent of full year 1.64% 40.55% 15.34% 9.04% 0.00%
Days, First to Last 26 174 189 -81 N/A
Equivelent # of Months 0.20 4.93 1.87 1.10 0.00
Temp Range Max - Min 8.4 - 99

Weather extreems for 2022

Temperature: Min ≤ 0 ° Min ≤ 32 ° Max < 40 ° Max > 90 ° Max > 100 °
Number days 13 160 54 60 4
First date at temp 01/01/22 12/06/21 11/10/21 05/27/21 06/13/21
Last date at temp 03/11/22 04/26/21 03/13/21 09/20/21 09/06/21
Days in a row at temp 3 60 6 10 1
Percent of full year 3.56% 43.84% 14.79% 16.44% 1.1%
Days, First to Last 4 211 162 117 86
Equivelent # of Months 0.43 5.26 1.78 1.97 0.13
Temp Range Max - Min 121

Weather extreems for 2021

Temperature: Min ≤ 0 ° Min ≤ 32 ° Max < 40 ° Max > 90 ° Max > 100 °
Number days 5 150 43 65 4
First date at temp 02/12/21 10/12/20 11/10/20 06/04/21 06/15/21
Last date at temp 02/16/21 05/11/21 04/21/21 09/27/21 07/28/21
Days in a row at temp 5 107 11 9 1
Percent of full year 1.37% 41.10% 11.78% 17.81% 1.1%
Days, First to Last 4 211 162 115 43
Equivelent # of Months 0.13 6.94 5.33 3.78 1.41

Weather extreems for 2020

Temperature: Min ≤ 0 ° Min ≤ 32 ° Max < 40 ° Max > 90 ° Max > 100 °
Number days 2 164 44 67 2
First date at temp 10/27/19 09/08/19 10/23/19 05/19/20 07/10/20
Last date at temp 02/05/20 04/18/20 04/16/20 10/24/20 09/05/20
Days in a row at temp 1 108 11 17 1
Percent of full year 0.6% 45% 12% 18% 0.6%
Days, First to Last 101 223 175 158 57
Equivelent # of Months 3.37 7.43 5.83 5.27 1.90